Glitch Overview Glitch Tips & Tricks This lesson quickly teaches you how to navigate the Glitch coding platform and walks you through all the tools you need to know.
HTML #1 - Getting Started Create Basic Lists & Texts This introductory HTML lesson shows you how to create basic lists / text and is a great refresher for anyone who hasn’t worked with HTML in a while.
HTML #2 - External Images Adding Images to HTML This lesson shows you how to use external images in your HTML files.
CSS #5 - Getting Started CSS Padding and Color Make your site look great! This course will introduce you to styling using CSS.
CSS #6 - Styling Text Fonts & Colors Are you still using Cosmic Sans? This part of the course will teach you how to make your font look the way you want it to.
#8 Create a Modern Header Make Your Own Header Let's create and style a modern header from scratch in HTML & CSS.
#9 Create a Banner Image Make a Banner Image Let's add a large banner image to our header area to create a modern looking landing page.